“Grand Priz”, SilkyEvCam® Event-based Vision Camera Application Idea and Algorithm Contest 2024"How to conduct experiments that capture the essence of physics in a simple and inexpensive way" YANOYANOWAKUWAKU (Kota Igarashi, Yuka Kobayashi and Ryoya Kobayashi) (Nagaoka National College of Technology)New!!
“Excellence Award”, SilkyEvCam® Event-based Vision Camera Application Idea and Algorithm Contest 2024 "How to conduct experiments that capture the essence of physics in a simple and inexpensive way" Science Support SPINOZA (Kanae Sato, Miyu Matsumura, and Prof. Tetsuji Uchiyama) (Miyagi University of Education)New!!
"CenturyArks Award", SilkyEvCam® Event-based Vision Camera Application Idea and Algorithm Contest 2024 "Object-based Visual SLAM with Stereo Event Camera" Bao Runqiu, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of TokyoNew!!